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cssga the 7th fifth director (expand) meeting held

2016-03-26          views:1315


on march 25, cssga the 7th fifth director (expand) meeting was held in baolong hotel in jingjiang, fujian. the meeting was hosted by wang liping, president of guangbo group, domestic stationary leader.

wang shicheng, chairman of chinese cultural and educational supplies association, with pragmatic attitude, analyzed from six aspects like easing the burden with reform, policy of leap, consumption upgrade, opening up and cooperation, regional strategy, integration of industry and finance. finally summarized the ten words: industry move forward in the slow, technology of intelligent economy, innovative and green product, structure optimization and upgrade,     , online store fusion power, consumption casting brand, export in combination with steady development, investment in favor of creation,    fast. he gave a wonderful speech on the development of china’s stationery and sports industry. set up confidence to our enterprise on our economy and      . it gained    from the participants. 

  especially pan jiancheng, deputy director of cemac of the national bureau of statistics to give the    , playing a good guide role for    .

finally, president wang liping and each participant shared  hot spots of  "   "  . and showed with the loss of m production factor cost advantage, the              .  he showed          thought.        u   .

this meeting also informed      . guangbo group is on the list of 2014     top 100 and 2014     . 


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